I would like to bring to your attention newly opened department ''ARTMED and Heap Research".Here the newest methods in cardiac rehabilitation and neurological rehabilitation are used. The department is created with support of famous Dutch rehabilitation center ''Roussing'',whose experience we have studied. We continue to cooperate until now. As the head of the Cardiac rehabilitation program I would like to represent it to you.

The potential of human physical capabilities is beyond our imagination. Professional reduce of this capabilities is the main goal of Cardiac rehabilitation.
Many patients with cardiac disorders are getting rehabilitation by this program.

The results are impressive: decrease of blood pressure, pain management, decrease of shortness of breath, increase of general physical endurance, improved nutrition of heart muscle-ECG, increase of ejection fraction-echocardiography.
According to literature long-term indicators of prognoses are 11%-36% increased tolerance, 9-10% cardiac death decrease. Here are the scheme, goals and objectives of the program.

Today the rehab programs of American association of cardiac rehabilitation and Europeancardiology associations are the part of national health care strategy. The goal of the cardiac rehabilitation is creation of a treatment circle: out-patients' clinic-hospital-rehab, keeping the connection and combining drug therapy with physical methods of treatment.

The tasks of cardiac rehabilitation programare

- Short-term /right after the acute condition/
- Long-term /during whole life of the patient/

The goal of short-term program is to stabilize patient's condition, optimize the recovery of his physical and emotional condition, help him return into usual lifestyle, approve his life quality, decrease the risk of relapse, except the risk factors.

The long-term problems consist of four stages

1. First week
2.2-6 weak of hospital care. In this period breathing exercises are done by special technique
/program of PLB Roessing center/ and training of small muscle groups. It is recommended passing treadmill test after the end of the stage.
In all stages the work of the psychologist is very important.
3. From6-th weak to 12th month under the supervision of the specialist 2-3 times a week, depending on patients condition.

All possible aerobic and non-aerobic exercises are used, stretching, special simulators: treadmill, bike, ski walking, simulators for upper and lower extremities, water exercises, walking, swimming, therapeutic sauna. Exercises are performed under mandatory supervision of rehabilitation specialist- cardiologist, kinesiotherapists, nurses. The frequency, duration and load of the exercises are prescribed by the doctor according to the patient's condition and his wishes. During exercise individual leaflet of the patient is filled with the values ​​of / at the beginning, during, in the end, after 1 minute of recovery / Ps. SAO2, ​​BP. Also matters patient's subjective evaluation by the Brogue chart.
4. Self- treatment of the patient under the supervision of the doctor to approve his lifestyle.

Indications of cardiac rehabilitation therapy

1. IHD stenocardiaI-III0

Post-infarction cardiomyopathy  I-III0
Post- surgerycondition, after placement of coronary artery stents and bypass surgery.
Arterial HypertensionI-III0
Heart failure I-III0
Chronic lung diseases


General and biochemical blood test
Coagulogram test
Lipid spectrum
Methods of treatment
Medical therapy
Physical exercises
Special PLB method
Non aerobic exercises
Aerobic exercises
Water massage
Medical sauna

During the procedures hemodynamic parameters and blood oxygenation are continuously monitored.

Our patients are divided in 3 categories according to amount of physical load, duration and frequency of the exercises.

Cardiac rehabilitation implies team work of following speialists.

Doctor-physical therapist, neurorehabilitologist
Middle and junior medical staff

Also consultations of narrow specialists are provided. Believe in your capabilities and trust our professional skills.

Today a research with two groups is held in our department. The patients in first group are treated only by drug therapy, and the patients in second group also withkinesiotherapy, psychotherapy and other medical procedures.